コロンビア大学(ニューヨーク)Glories of Japanese Music Heritage XIV
Glories of Japanese Music Heritage XIV
Sunday, March 31, 2019, 4-6PM
Miller Theatre, at Columbia University (116th and Broadway)
Part I. Gagaku: Sacred Soundscapes Reborn 雅楽
Hyōjō no netori (Prelude Mode Centering on the note of E) 平調音取
Etenraku (Music of the Divine Heavens) 越天楽
Part II. Music from Lady Murasaki’s 11th-Century Novel The Tale of Genji 源氏物語より
Saibara: Ise no umi (The Sea at Ise) 催馬楽 伊勢の海
Ichikotsuchō no netori (Prelude Mode Centering on the note of D) 壱越調音取
Shunnōden Juha (Spring Song of the Bush Warblers) 春鶯囀入破
Koma-Ichikotsuchō no ko-netori (Prelude Mode Centering on the note of E) 高麗壱越調小音取
Kochō (Butterflies) 胡蝶
Part III. The Music Heritage Lives On
Chidori no kyoku (Plover’s Song) for koto and shakuhachi (1855) by Kengyō Yoshizawa II (1808-1872)
Frolicking with Birds for koto and violoncello (2011) by Marty Regan
Utakai Hajime poems by the Present/Retiring Emperor and Empress (2019)
Honoring the civility, peace, and compassion personified by the Heisei Era Retiring Emperor and Empress. Sung for the first time outside the imperial palace, here in New York by Tobias Hoffmann Eegholm of Barnard-Columbia Chorus & Chamber Choir.
Mayumi Miyata (shō), Hitomi Nakamura (hichiriki), Takeshi Sasamoto (ryūteki), Yoko Reikano Kimura (koto & voice), James Nyoraku Schlefer (shakuhachi), Hikaru Tamaki (cello), and the Columbia Gagaku Instrumental Ensemble of New York, with the cooperation of the Director of the Barnard-Columbia Chorus & Chamber Choir.